Cats are intelligent species that have a great ability to understand things around it. If you are by chance, a cat owner you might have seen the cats playing or toying around with one thing or the other. Even if you buy them a toy, they would even play with its plastic covering. Such is the level of curiosity and interest these species have to its surroundings. This list of the smartest cats is among the brightest of them all and may sometimes outwit you in some cases. so, lets look at the brightest cats in our world.
10. The Abyssinian Cats
This cat right here is overly fond of playing and can be sometimes found to be close to hyperactive. They love playing and climbing atop of trees and curtains. Due to this high level of energy and activity they also require constant stimulus and someone to pay with. They are also great explorers which earns them the nickname, “Aby-grabbys”.